Brian Sanderoff

Phone: 505-821-5454
Fax: 505-821-5474
Brian Sanderoff has been the President of Research & Polling, Inc. since its inception in 1986. He manages the firm and has written over 1,500 surveys in his career. His areas of specialization include: public policy, corporate and brand image, customer satisfaction, litigation support, and assessing demographic trends. Mr. Sanderoff is the pollster for the Albuquerque Journal, New Mexico’s largest circulation newspaper and the political analyst for KOAT TV, New Mexico’s ABC network local affiliate. He has made appearances on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC and the Jim Lehrer News Hour.
Mr. Sanderoff is also a widely sought after speaker and has conducted seminars for various organizations about targeting markets and analyzing demographic data. Mr. Sanderoff holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of New Mexico and attended graduate school in the Political Science Department.